Originally posted by Kadath
I am enjoying it so much I got home a little after midnight and stayed up for 2 hours playing it and only got through one chapter because I just wander around having fun. My only gripe so far is that the sinking boat side mission is way too difficult. I landed on the boat twice and bounced right off -- Spider-Man can STICK TO WALLS! Anyway, it's very, very good. I got it for the PS2 just because my collection of PS2 games is much slimmer than my GC stack. Church, are you using the component video cable for the PS2? It looks pretty good using that.
Yeah, its got nothing to do with the cables, its the programming. I'm just saying, compared to xbox and gamecube, the ps2 one is ugly.
Through counter-intelligence, it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble makers, and neutralize them.
Last edited by Church; 07-04-2004 at 05:46 PM..