I think you have to look at the reason for so many of these arab states are angry and I don't think its western involvment. The easy answer is to say it because we are over there but hardly in every country. One has to only look at some of the conditions that exist in those countries to understand why the population is upset.
No other region has such a vast divide between dirt poor and super ultra rich. Many want wealth distribution in the US but turn a blind eye towards arab countries still ruled by royalty with little freedoms for the average citizen. These dictators and princes funnel a few dollors to the masses in forms of propaganda and weapons rather than social reform. Its better to keep them focused outward than inward.
Bin Laden is mentioned as one of these angry at the west. In reality he is angry at the Saudi royal family who he wants to replace with more than likely himself. His parents were rich and I doubt he is doing things for the common good or else he would try and over throw all the repressive regimes in the Middle East. His terrorism has no more lofty goal than to place him as leader of greater Arabia. The world around is changing and one can't simply pick and choose between modern ideals. People have to be free in order to progress and he represents those who want nothing more than to return to the 14th century. Unfortunately for him with satellite news and the internet his ideals are slowly being eroded so he has to lash out in a losing battle. I see him as someone simply scared of change and afraid of losing his social standing. The west represents freedom and that is something someone so wrapped up in a single religion can't tolerate or understand.