Is this country slowly getting more and more perverted, or is that just how I see it?
When I was a kid, I can remember the really hot stars all being between the ages of 27-35. After that, you were too old to be hot, but still considered a good actress/singer.
As I got older, it went down to 23-27, still not too bad, though.
Now, it seems that people are just waiting for these young actresses to turn 18 so that they can openly say that they would "hit it" and leer at pictures of them.
Of course, once you hit 18, you are washed up and the next young girl is in the spotlight.
I just don't get it. It could all be in my imagination, but I am ready to go back to the time where the whole country didn't look like a bunch of pedophiles with countdowns to when girls turn 18.
No offense to anyone here, of course, but it is just the image we put off, especially when phrases like "barely legal" and "still a teen" are all you seem to hear in the adult industry, as well.
But, like I said, it could just be my imagination.
You don't know from fun.