My main guy (lvl 20) is a tanker, but i made a few choices playing i'd like to take back. My power sets are all wacky. So taking back powers would be nice.
Clap-Is nice for enimies lower level then you, at least one or more level, but once you try and use it on eniemes equal to or higer then your level, it dizzys them for a lot less time. And usualy hits thirty to forty percent of the villians in the room.
Fiery Aura-Also is nice against lower level goons, it hits everyone for about eight to ten at times. but if you use it on higher level goons, it hits them for two to four. And most of the time it misses alot because of the villians higher levels. The endurance cost of it is way high.
So if they could just mabey fix some powers, make them balanced, then mabey people wouldnt want to change. So every power on your list is always worth getting, what good is a power available to you if you never want to get it due to reasons of crapyness.
At first running after knocked back baddies was annoying. But after a while you dont really mind it anymore. Tankers are fun tho, i have a Fire/Super Strength tank, its great beating the crap out of baddies. I love roof top fighting and knocking baddies off the roofs (Don't be hating you lower level heros, there dead by the time they hit the floor.... sometimes
Did I ramble again?