My objections to redistrubution of income:
It is a violation of the right of the individual. Personal liberty and property rights are inextricably linked. Once property rights are demolished, you can kiss off personal liberty.
BTW - sewage systems, highways, telecom etc. are all functions that can be privatized. There is no magic in having the government control them.
- Government running our lives. Have you noticed the number of laws to guide our private behavior? These seem to be growing exponentially, and include forcing people to wear seatbelts, forbidding smoking in front of one's residence, limiting the colors one can paint a house, and on and on and on. I do believe that we are all criminals in some aspect or another. What purpose does it serve a government when the average working person can be tripped up by innocuous behavior and charged as a criminal? Isn't this an effective method to keep the population cowed into submission?
- Naturally wired. Humans have instincts which are designed to enable us to survive. Valuing one's own life is one of these. We are also wired to value the continuity of our DNA, hence the desire to protect our families. Not everyone feels these to a heightened degree - and some feel them barely, if at all. But in the broad population, these are common values. Expecting people to value strangers above themselves is irrational and unnatural.