Originally posted by matthew330
I've heard people complain about people being influenced by Rush, Fox News, etc,and that being the crux of there problem. Well, the cohort of people that would tune into these types of programs, are already inherantly interested in politics.
The problem with Michael Moore - his audience targets the lazy. Those who have a prob with AM radio, have no leg to stand on defending Michael Moore.
There are far too many people seeing this movie with the specific intent that it is their "civic duty."
Seriously - any one of you who knows a thing about politics are learning nothing new. You're psyched about it because it influences the ignorant.
How does this work - you guys got Dr. Laura kicked off the air, Limbaugh off Armed Forces radio, but any reaction to this character is an
attack on the constitution itself.
From what I've seen, the most frenzied reaction has been from the right side of the camp. some weirdos have attempted to pressure theatres into not showing F911, a remarkably unamerican position. I've argued that M Moore is the lefts version of Hannity or Rush...a semi-blowhard that is a naked propagandist. Whats so upsetting or unusual here?