Originally posted by slacker00
I like this statement. Yes if you had a material that at different distances were to be traveling at different velocities, the material would attempt to shear apart where there is a velocity gradient. Although, if you dig into many materials this may occur. There are few examples that come to mind, CDs will explode at very high RPMs due to the force of the outer extremities of the disc putting excess force on the inner portion.
Exactly. Often times the material can withstand the force. However, think of something like pizza dough. As it spins, it changes shape and its diamter increases. Car tires do this as well. Check out those big fat tires on drag cars. They expand an incredible amount.
I think that's what they mean by "nickels a day can feed a child." I thought, "How could food be so cheap over there?" It's not, they just eat nickels. - (supposedly) Peter Nguyen, internet hero