Hot, Beautiful, Pretty
I tried to do a search but I'm not quite sure how to search for this. I don't recall a thread quite like this unless it was in a forum I don't frequent but I think that's unlikely.
Down to my question. I guess it's mostly for guys but I want to know what girls think too. I wonder too if there's a difference between guys and girls definitions. What exactly would you define as a girl being pretty; one who's beautiful; and one who's hot? What would you say the differences were? What makes a woman beautiful but not hot? and visa versa?
I asked hubby this and got a general idea of what he thought defined the particular terms.
For you girls too - What would would be the differences between guys who are hot, or handsome? Or maybe there's another term you use for the kind you are most attracted to.
This is partly to clarify the differences and I'm also curious to see what difference of opinion there might be between the sexes, if there IS any difference.
I will post back later with what I view as being hot, beautiful, or pretty. I don't want to bias any of the responses.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.