Originally posted by onetime2
Whatever. You pointed to the levels of stock ownership by income group in response to my pointing out that there are other drivers of wealth. Nowhere does that dispute that the poor and rich alike have access to stocks and benefit from the gains in the stock market. You then claim in the next breath that the rich are getting richer while the poor get poorer while only pointing to "real wages" as evidence. Since "real wages" does not capture overtime worked (and tips, pay for vacations, holidays, and non production bonuses) you are relying on an indicator which by its very nature ineffectively captures income for the group you are focused on.
OK, so "real wages" may not be a perfect economic indicator. That still does nothing to disprove the premise that wages are declining for median families. You can look at census data that states the same thing.
Access to stocks is largely a measure of wealth...if one does not have wealth, one does not have much stock.