i remember killing time at barnes n noble, and there was this Powers of the X-Men or some crazy super hero book. it was basically an encyclopedia type book with all the main heroes and a discussion on their powers and how it would be possible and what physics would need to do in order to acheive it.
one of the chapters was about sue storm from the fantastic four who's got the ability to go invisible. they brought up the point that if she actually became invisible, the light would pass through her eyes and she'd be blind. they rationed that therefore she had control over light waves and were able to shape the light waves around her, but also direct it directly into her eyes so she could see.
i don't know how you'd manipulate light waves, but this seems to be how i would imagine it being done. short of technology of course- a la james bond who's vanquish turns invisible. they used an intricate array of cameras and displays on the car, basically displaying what was on the other side of the car. thought that was a cool approach at it also.