Think beyond what the rich buy. Who makes what the rich buy? What jobs are created by their ability to invest disposable income in new business opportunities?
As much as liberals scream about supply-side economics, they work. We saw a huge economic boom after the Reagan tax cuts, and we're seeing another one now after the Bush tax cuts.
Liberals have all sorts of good intentions and good theories. The problem is that their theories and intentions can't hold up to the first touch of reality. They live in academic white towers and tell the world how it ought to be, but they don't seem to know the first thing about human nature.
My wife said it best during a conversation we had last night: "Don't they realize that nobody will work hard if they can't get rich?"
Today's liberalism is a philosophy with admittedly good intentions. They want everything to be "fair." Apparently, Momma never told them the harsh truth: "Life isn't fair."
There are going to be some rich folks, there are going to be some poor folks. In trying to work for the "common good" as Hillary puts it, you may provide some relief in the short term, but the true catalyst for economic growth lies in supply-side.
The Soviet Union tried to take something from its people for the common good. Try to find them on a recent map and see how well that turned out. Leftist "make everything fair" policy just can't compete with an economy where people have the chance of reaping vast rewards for hard work.