Alright Flyman... the pics are FINALLY taken... I apologize for the blurriness. This camera takes about 3 seconds to take the picture, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to stand still the entire time. Absolutely IMPOSSIBLE.
So without firther Adieu:
This is my Fender Strat... the first guitar I ever owned. I rented guitars for years before I bought this one...
Here's Les Paul's authentic signature... he crossed out the word "Fender" when he signed it

(you can hardly tell though, because my camera doesn't like close-range shots. Look carefully for the crossout.)
Last one of my Strat, here's my Dead Kennedys sticker:
Now for the second guitar I ever had, my Carlo Robelli national, here she is from the front (btw, this counts as a pic of me, becausse you can vaguely see my socks and jean legs in the reflection):
Here's a terrible pic of my Robelli's battle scar, terrible because it was so close. You can see a TERRIBLE discoloration where I got it repaired on the back of the neck. The back of the neck was split open a while back when my idiot friend dropped it on my bedframe:
This is my third guitar, my Jay Turser Future Spirite. Only took one, because there's nothing too terrible interesting on this one that you can't see with a full-body pic:
Now on to my latest and greatest, my Les Paul Extreme. Here's the body shot:
Here's a snippet of the Epiphone inlay; they only did this for this series of guitars:
Here's my army of Chrome skull knobs... always ready to ATTACK! Well... turn the volume up at least:
Last pic is a (poor, of course) close-up of my strap... keeping with the skull theme:
Well, there you have it, flyman, that's my arsenal. What you think?