Originally posted by DelayedReaction
If the situation is that serious, then I would recommend devoting a significant amount of your time to self defense. Protecting yourself from harm involves more than just being able to put a bullet where it needs to be; it requires a total mindset.
This is absolutely correct.
You must be vigilant with all aspects of daily existence. Vary your routes, departure and arrival times, use different vehicles, be careful with what you throw in the trash, use different doors in your house, keep the insides of your house unseen, or even have multiple places (options) for where you will stay and for god sakes you must train and practice with whatever weapon you decide to use, and must do so consistently and frequently. Ideally in mock tactical situations, similar to the ones you will encounter when (if) the shit hits the fan.
Without training and eventually proficiency your weapon will likely become more of a liability then an advantage.
Be careful, and be smart. Make yourself an undesirable target.
Above all....TRAIN.
Good luck,