I happen to have been in a 3 person relationship for just over 5 years now. I've been legally married to one woman and spiritually married to the other (and they to each other) for 3 of those years. We are a three (well, 4, we have a daughter) person family. None of us can imagine life without the others. Often times things are very very very hard, and jealousy does arise, no matter how non jealous you think you are. Still, you can work through it, fi you want to. I personally have seen less outright fights arise between the three of us than I had seen in my past 'traditional' relationships because we have a third person we can vent to if need be.
I would say to be careful, but go where your heart leads you. If you follow your heart (and not parts of you that claim to be your heart, but your actual heart!) you may end up weeping, or you may end up in paradise, but you will never misstep.
That's just my theory though.
Don't mind me. I'm just releasing the insanity pressure from my headvalves.