I've been lurking the Tilted Forum for a while, and it seems I may get some good advice or ideas from you guys, so I'd like to ask what you think about my situation.
First of all, let me say that I've got a lot going for me. I've got a good job, a loving wife, good home, plenty of friends, and an intelligent brain (by most accounts). So, what could possibly be wrong?
Motivation. I'm a slacker, and I don't like it.
Despite all I've got going for me, there is a lot I'd like to change. I want to draw and write. I've got lots of ideas for computer programs I'd like to create. I'm overweight by at least 75 pounds. I slack off at work constantly, while all my coworkers work their asses off. And, so on.
I know the solutions to all these problems. I know I can practice to draw and write. I can make the programs. I can exercise. I can work harder, and have a successful career.
I just can't seem to make myself DO any of it. I coast. I always do just barely whatever is necessary to get by. Ironically enough, I'm writing this at work. I spend far, far too much time browsing the web, playing mindless games, and looking at porn. Nearly every time I'm alone in the car, I drive through the Burger King drive through.
If I've got so much going for me, and I know all the answers, why can't I make myself do what I know I need to? It's extremely frustrating, and it always makes me feel angry and guilty on a daily basis. It's gotten worse, lately, too. I just know that it's all going to come crashing down on me some day, if I don't shape up. What do I do? Can anybody offer any suggestions?