Originally posted by Shades
Wow cthulu23, way to miss the sarcasm. On a serious note, are you then suggesting that the rich automatically owe something to the poor?
Shades, I think history lesson might be in order.
Once a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, America was going through a period called the Guilded Age. The Guilded Age had the rich who exploited workers and co-opted the political process for their own financial gain. The Guilded Age is a great example that business are simply in business to make money and will pay workers the lowest wages possible. Workers lived in horrid housing conditions and had little chance for advancement. Eventually, workers saw that their labor was making the factory owner rich and the laborer was recieving almost nothing. The workers decided that this was quite unfair and something had to be done...
This situation has happened in almost every industrializing country and one of two outcomes are possible. Either, social justice/welfare programs are put in place to placate the poor's anger and improve their situation, or worker's rebellions WILL OCCUR, not "might", WILL.
The rich get to keep their wealth and the perks it brings in a capitalistic society (good legal council, political influence, material posessions, good education for their offspring), in exchange for paying for social welfare programs.
The rich WILL pay for social welfare because they have the most to lose in a worker's rebellion, and the loss to social welfare is significantly less than in a revolution (money, status, life, ect). Practicality not ideology.