Originally posted by Shades
In turn, the poor work for the rich, at least enough that the rich don't throw the poor into work camps and withhold their assets.
Now that's a progressive attitude. All you're saying is that the poor owe something to the rich for being wealthy...that makes sense.
The poor should be happy to only pay less than 15% of their income; they get to keep the other 85+% to use as they choose, unlike the rich, and no institutionalized slavery occurs.
Again, we must be so thankful that the rich don't just enslave us all. Aren't they benevolent? We could be working in the salt mines!
I don't think the quote is out of context, I read the whole article.
But you provided no context, hence out of context.
I suppose what I object to most is the assumption that the government knows best, and that even if it did, could effectively do anything about it. This has been proven wrong over and over again, both in domestic efforts and abroad, for at least the last 50 years. When will people give up this pipe dream?
Bush is not for small government. He is spending money like a drunken sailor, has formed a new branch of the government and wants to create new exceptions to our personal liberties. Desn't that stink of "the government knows best?"