Go ahead and cry, we'll be here when you get back... It's therapeutic.
When you feel calm(er) Talk to your boyfriend, right now you are taking the word of his friend, what does the friend have to gain by telling you. He's obviously not a good friend to your boyfriend if he ratted him out. Before you make any decisions you really need to talk to him, and hear what he has to say.
If he indeed does confess to cheating...
I wouldn't make any rash decisions in the "heat of the moment". You are upset now, you are hurt, you feel betrayed, that's all natural and normal. Your boyfriend's decision to cheat was entirely his decision.
Giving a person a second chance? Depends on what that person has to offer you. Except for the cheating thing, which is a betrayed, does he have enough to offer that makes him worth keeping around? You are barely 20 years old, are you really looking for a "rest of your life?"
Alcohol is not an excuse for bad behavior, yes, it lowers inhibitions, but it's not an excuse for cheating.
You cannot turn off who you love like a faucet, time will take care of that.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
Last edited by maleficent; 06-29-2004 at 04:34 PM..