Originally posted by Sun Tzu
Like I said the idea wouldnt be to destroy as many lives as possible with the bombings; their purpose would be to cause a critical prejugdice against the American Arab population. A goal of promoting the idea that wherever a person went and they saw an Arab they could be a potential victim. A goal of forcing the governemnt to do something simliar to what it did in Japanese people during WWII. Initially it may not make sense why arab would want to make their fellow arabs look bad and become extremely discriminated, but what potetnial problems could evolve from such a situation? Again I think the economy would be their true target.
That would be very effective and there is little, if any way to fight against those types of attacks. Our system is set up to take care of large threats, not small random attacks. 50 people whose backgrounds are clean enough to pass customs could come here and cause substantial terror and havoc.
Look at how paranoid people were with the snipers in the Virginia area. Imagine something similar to that happening in each state. They could set it up in a way that each person just picked out targets at random and none of them knew the other attackers. If one was caught, we could torture them all we want and never get anything usefull from them.