Pick a more interesting workout for your bike machine. Interval training gives you something to look forward to.
Listen to the radio or watch TV. Pick up a subscription to a DvD-delivery rental company and watch a movie while stationary biking or rowing or whatever other torture device you can fit in your TV room.
Count laps in a pool. Factor it. Count breaths and strokes. Try to decrease the stroke count. Work out how fast you are going in your head. Work out how far you go in a stroke. Calculate goal lenghts/minute or seconds/length. Do this for different pool lengths.
Think about what that cute girl or boy was saying the other day. Look at the trim bodies of the other swimmers. Keep track of if you are going faster or slower than people in other lanes. Try to improve.
Design interesting effort patterns. 30 seconds at 1300 cal/hour then 60 seconds at 500 cal/hour then 30 seconds at 1500 cal/hour then 60 seconds at 600 cal/hour then 30 seconds at 1000 cal/hour. Work out how much water you are heating up, and if you are drinking enough.
Concentrate on how one particular limb is moving. Vary the movement, see if you can get more speed, power or ease out of a different movement. Close your eyes and push.
Count heartbeats.
Read a book. Write a book. Imagine dialog between two different characters. Think about the play you saw last night.
Imagine pictures in your brain.
Compose a tune to whistle. Da-de-de-da-da-doooooo. Don't actually whistle. Brain-hum along with a popular song.
Get a book on tape and listen to it.
Make up complex beat patterns and apply it to your movements. Adjust your hand positions. Play with your abdominals.
Think about your diet.
Go through a list of friends, and think up gifts you can give them. Imagine their reactions.
Stare blankly at a wall.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.