I remember when I was about 8 (this would be around 1986) I remember thinking that every single song on the radio was about love or sex. I would actually try to listen to a song not about love and sex because as an 8 year old I couldn't relate, yet I believe I failed in my quest.
How about "Mexican Radio" by Wall of Voodoo. No sex there!
I feel a hot wind on my shoulder
And the touch of a world that is older
Turn the switch and check the number
Leave it on when in bed I slumber
I hear the rhythms of the music
I buy the product and never use it
I hear the talking of the dj
Can't understand just what does he say?
I'm on a mexican radio
I'm on a mexican radio
I dial it in and tune the station
They talk about the u.s. inflation
I understand just a little
No comprende--it's a riddle
I'm on a mexican radio
I'm on a mexican radio
I wish I was in Tiajuana
Eating barbequed iguana
I'd take requests on the telephone
I'm on a wavelength far from home
I feel a hot wind on my shoulder
I dial it in from south of the border
I hear the talking of the dj
Can't understand just what does he say?
Radio radio...
Last edited by anleja; 06-29-2004 at 04:52 AM..