Originally posted by yournamehere
I hope you're right, <b>Art</b>, but to agree with you would require faith in the trustworthiness and motives of the Saudi government, which I currently lack.
For years they've been playing a dangerous game, placating the beast that wants to devour them. I hope they've finally realized that their only chance of survival is to hunt down and kill these quasi-religious miscreants. The one shared vision of all the disparate sects of fundamentalist terrorists is the creation of a muslim state in Suadi Arabia.
Maybe the royal family finally gets it.
Having to actually work and toil is a difficult prospect for the Royals. Without foreign labor they are done for.
A couple of questions do spring to mind in all of this though. If Art's theory is correct (and I've taken the amnesty pledge the same way) and the Saudis do go after the terrorist cells and they are very successful at capturing/destroying them or there is substantial response to their offer where does that leave us? If the terrorists respond to the offer and turn themselves in, is it because they know the Saudis know exactly who they are? If they're successful at destroying the cells is it because they have intimate knowledge of the cell's membership? If so and they haven't been helping us to destroy them then that proves that they weren't with us but were against us in the war on terror. What do we do then to deal with our Saudi "allies"?