Originally posted by kutulu
The conservative response to this film has been truly sick and disgusting. For some reason it's fine for them to sit back and make attacks at Clinton, devote book after book to bashing Liberals, and sit on talk radio show after talk radio show bashing liberals but when someone has a different opinion they do everyhing they can to stop it.
First Disney doesn't want to distribute it, then the cons try to bully theaters away from showing it, then there's con groups trying to say it violates election law (it never once mentions any candidate running against him), and then there's all these articles that try to bring Moore down.
The conservative response to this movie has been immature and un-American.
I truly agree, the neo-cons in the media take everything too far right, BUT Micheal Moore and others take everything too far left. This is where partisan politics come into play and have destroyed the civility in government.
What we are seeing is our politicians cowtowing to the Limbaugh/Moore side and not the center and moderate area that IMHO the vast majority of people are. Limbaugh/Moore may not even believe half of what they say, BUT sensationalism and taking everything to an extreme sells far more than admitting the truth that the other side may have some good points. This brings about 2 really bad things.
Politicians see how "popular" these people are and what they say, and believe that to be where the people truly are (because the moderates don't have any voice, because of reasons explained above. (ALL politicians are about populist ideas and wanting to be elected . It's easy to say they don't take these mediums seriously, but they see enough people do that the politician has to adjust to them.)
(As a side note, I truly believe what destroyed Clinton was the fact he was too CENTRIST, and refused to bend. Both sides saw that as a threat. So the GOP could hound him and the Dems. did little to take the heat off.)
It's all about what sells not the truth, not honesty, not even a person's own opinion, it's smoke and mirrors and trying to persuade people to see your side. Right now, we live in an "extremist" in everything we do society. Look at the commercials and "new" products advertised. Everything has to be "more" of something.
Anyway that is just my view on the subject. Moore/Limbaugh and those like them are all the same. They just want their product to sell. I can almost guarantee if the nation went as far left as Moore or as far right as Limbaugh talk, they would still be pushing farther that direction. They will never be happy, because they cannot afford to be happy. People would stop buying their product.