Originally posted by KellyC
Hmm..this is the perfect thread for me to ask my question...I'm gonna take the assumption that everybody believes in reincarnation or all ore Buddhist or Hinduist and believes in reincarnation.
Dear Mr. Lebell
As of late, I've been having this idea about reincarnation. From my understanding, reincarnation is pretty much like recycle and reuse souls. A person die, his soul goes to hell (or where ever), waits a while, then when the time comes the soul enters the body of a newborn. That got me wondering, if every soul go through this process, there shouldn't be an increase, how can there be so much souls? 100 years ago, there are 4 billion souls (I'm just guessing), now there are over 6 billion souls, how do you explain the increase?
I'm not sure if I make a lot of sense but I hope you can answer it.
If you consider the likely abundance of life in the Entire universe, and accept that all is intertwined. The issue of soul replenishment becomes easily explained.