Originally posted by Cycler
Okay here is one for you. Should I buy a new Motorcycle through the Yamaha finance program at 3.9% for 2 years or go through the local credit union I belong to checking to see if they have a comparable rate and time frame? <p>Credit rating is good and I am already approved through the Yamaha program I just haven't pulled the trigger yet. Paying it off won't be a problem, my sister and I are on track to receive money from a trust. <p>Last thing who sould I go talk to about a Roth IRA (Don't know if this is up your alley but who knows)?
Well, is the motorcycle loan 3.9 fixed for 2 years? At the end of the two years, is the loan required to be paid off, or is it just an introductory rate that increases after 2 years?
If you are going to pay it off before the 3.9% changes, It is likely that you won't find a better deal than that, although it doesn't hurt to call around and see what rates other institutions offer.
As far as the Roth IRA, it depends on what you want to do with that money. If you just want it to sit in a money market account or Certificate of Deposit, you can probably just go to your Credit Union to get set up. If you would prefer to put it into the stock market, a financial planner would be more up your alley. If you are unsure of what you want to do, speak with an investment planner to get all your options, but take what he says with a grain of salt, as he
is trying to sell you on what he gets paid on.
If I didn't clarify enough or you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to post