Originally posted by queedo
I respect your opinion, I don't hate Bush but at least you are smart enought to make up your own mind.
Michael Moore thinks he should make up every bodies minds for them, and he will lie, cheat, and steal to make sure of it.
Why is it that people who go and see the movie haven't made up their own minds? I'm not the biggest fan of Dubya but I still intend to see the movie. How can you say everything he says is lies without actually seeing the movie?
Originally posted by matteo101
Who said anything about "our troops"..They are your troops, I live in a country with a government smart enough not to invade somone elses country for reasons that god only knows..
And if I did meet any of your troops, I would not heckle them, I would salute them, they are risking (and GIVING) their lives for George Dub and his administrations lies...
Thank god for that, the smartest thing our government did, and yes all the soldiers coalition, Iraqi, anybody fighting in this unjust war deserve a debt of gratitude.