Originally posted by analog
Sounds more like Evangelicals than just run-of-the-mill-Christians. But some regular Christians are that way too...
These were Capital-C-Christians. Not Catholics, nor Protestants of any stripe. Christians. The ones who identify themselves as Christians are, in my experience, the ones to watch out for.
(Edit) -- sexymama, I'm more than willing to believe that it's the bad eggs giving Christians a bad name. I sincerely hope that's true.
Originally posted by lurkette
And my brother's memorial was held in a frickin skate park, for cryin' out loud. You'd think that'd send a message about the type of memorial it was, but apparently not.
You know, as the one running that event, I had a real moral dilemma at that moment (as, I'm sure, did our friend John's brother Mike who ran the service this weekend). Should I intevene here, knowing that it's not how Josh would have wanted it? Or should I grit my teeth and let her have her say, which Josh probably would have done? Am I to behave according to Josh's wishes, or his actions?
Ultimately I went with the latter. I confess, part of me just didn't want to look like the guy who shut up the God Woman.
I actually didn't have as much of a problem with the preaching woman as I did with the woman who, during "open mic time", led the whole group in a prayer. There was a strong undercurrent of fixing the service, which was inadequate and bad because there wasn't any praying in it. THAT, Josh would have made some noise about.