End corporate welfare and dismantle regulatory agencies which are the minor leagues for industry lobbyists and we will go a long ways towards reducing the cronyism between corporations and the government. Additionally, we should enact real campaign finance reform: eliminate federal funding of campaigns, allow only direct contributions that are immediately publicly disclosed of any amount, and get rid of PACs which enable large donors to hide their identities.
SM - your comments about the public being able to have a say in what products are introduced neglect to key concepts: Property Rights and Voluntary Transactions. Products fail when nobody buys them - the public does have an important voice in what is produced via their pocketbooks. The owners of capital have property rights thereof - which means they get to decide what to produce with it.
Personal liberty and private property go hand in hand. It is a feature of fascism to have state control of private property. To advocate for the political process to determine how private capital is used is a direct violation of the Constitution.
As an aside, I see the biggest threat of burgeoning fascism to be China. As the Communist Party manages the privatization of businesses to its loyal members and cronies, China is at risk of moving from Communism directly to Fascism.