I'm not sure what your hard drive is configured to now, but, just to make sure, run FDISK, and press the delete partition option. Go through and delete all partitions you have created. You may have to delete some "logical drives" in the partitons - just make sure you have a 100% empty drive. No drives, no partitions. That will give you a 100% clean start - nothing at all on the drive. Then create a new partition, NTFS or FAT32, select "use 100% of available space", a hit ok. Then format the partition and do a clean install of windows onto that.
Only note is, although I'm sure you're aware of it, formatting and following this advice will make you lose everything on your drive - you'll have a totally blank disk to start with. Make sure there's nothing on there you want to keep!
Good luck mate!
Moo! I'm mooey!