I think this is really a relative question. You could make an argument that most sports are the toughest to play, and it's true that most sports do require talent, skill, and practice. However, I think most people are going to call the sport of their choice, rather than the sport they think is the toughest, mostly because they have little interest in other sports, nor have they ever played any of them.
With that said, hockey is definitely the toughest sport out there. You have a 200'x85' ice surface, 12 guys, and one little eensy-weensy puck that you have to control with a stick. There are 6 positions to play, and each position has its chunk of ice to guard, but there are many cases when you must take a risk and venture outside of your territory. On top of that, you're on skates, which isn't natural for most people, and requires a hell of a lot more effort to move than running does. It has strategies (i.e. breakout plays, scoring plays, etc...), and unless you want to make your stay in the game a short one, you had better use your head.
"A witty saying proves nothing"
- Voltaire
Last edited by Quadraton; 06-27-2004 at 09:49 AM..