OK, we are going to play pool at this place in town on Thursday. We talked for like 40 minutes, although she was mostly saying how much she hated her job and that. But it was kind of cool, when the conversation stopped it as like we were both trying to find something else so as to keep talking.
She is like the assistant manager of another store, but she had to go to the liquer store near me cos there were staff shortages there (its the same chain) but she still lives pretty near me, she lives with two of her girlfriends too, which is good, I mean better than that she lived with her parents! She acts likes she likes me, so so far its still all good, I mean, don't ever think I am being cocky cos I have a full awareness of the fact it probably isnt going to work out somehow, but I'm just trying to be positive and have some fun, and she seems to like me and I like her, so... its good!

And well, you never know... its not like I have any big expectations at this stage, neither of us really knows the other, but you never know, huh? I mean, i am more likely to find the girl for me by dating than I am by sitting around on my own and being depressing, right?
Note to self - stop talking like a gangster rapper, you are a middle class Jewish trainee accountant so it just sounds stupid!