Originally posted by powerclown
What pisses me off about pharmecutical companies is that theres a new goddamn anti-depressant medication out on the market every 6 months, along with a shiny new hundred-million dollar advertising campaign telling people with real goddamn problems why its best to use their latest synthetic poisons. Zoloft, Prozac, Tofranil, Elavil, Adapin, Effexor, Norpramin, Sinequan, Remeron, Wellbutrin, Paxil, Paxil TR. Why 20 different brands of the same fucking thing? As most people who take this stuff know, what it all does best is numb your brain, emotion, life-force, to where you just don't have the energy or give a shit about being depressed in the first place. Not to mention the inevitable physical and/or psychological addiction, which is great for business, by the way.
Lurkette, I hope you won't pay to much attention to comments like the one above.
I've been on Zoloft for years. It has changed my life. No, it has saved my life. It hasn't "numb[ed] [my] brain, emotion, life-force, to where [I] just don't have the energy or give a shit about being depressed in the first place."
I am the child of an out-of-control alcoholic and drug addict. My childhood was chaos. I knew no stability. I grew up chronically depressed. I went to therapy for 7 years, which helped me tremendously. Yet, the depression returned. For years I refused to take anti-depression drugs. I reasoned that it was drugs that had ruined my life, so there was no way drugs could help.
To make a long story short, I eventually decided to try zoloft. I can't speak for others, but I can tell you this: It has dramatically improved my life. I've been on it for 10 years. Have I been depressed in those 10 years? Yes. The difference is that I do not stay depressed. Like most people, I have bad days. I no longer have bad YEARS.
Lurkette, does your depression stem from your upbringing?