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Old 06-27-2004, 05:00 AM   #29 (permalink)
Location: UK
Good on ya Strange Famous. Best of luck if you really like her.

I agree with most here. Be yourself, don't lie and play games

I met a girl in a bar the other night. Me and a mate sat down at there table and we all just started chatting (god bless alcohol)
My mate was chatting her up, telling her he was in a band and all this shit, whilst i was talking to her friend. Her friend went to get a drink and shortly after so did my mate. She then turned to me for conversation, something that in all honesty i'm not all that good at

I just acted the fool I am, cracking jokes and taking the piss out of stuff. Just being me, and we really hit it off. Started talking about crap music we own and rather than selling ourselves to each other (as chat ups usually go) we just talked about who we really were and stuff. I even told her about another girl I liked but nothing was happening with. I saw her as a new mate, not a pull, that never crossed my mind, despite somehow during the conversation we ended up holding hands and sitting closer. After all the chatting she looks up and says 'say would you like to go for a drink sometime?'

I was like 'what? are you asking me out?', she smiled and said 'yes'

I just said i'd love to and she took my number.
Was quite proud of myself for not acting an arse and it felt good to just be me and have someone respond well to it. After all, there's hardly any point in someone liking you for something you're not is there?

Now just see if she calls eh?
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