A lot of the above advice is very useful....I tend to stick to a really simple high protein, low fat, low carb thing.
1 protein (1 egg)
1 fruit or 1 grain (slice of wholemeal bread)
Sugar free drink (black coffee for me)
1 protein (skinless chicken breast, lean ham, silverside)
1 vegetable (I throw a few slices of capsicum and cucumber in a salad)
2 cups lettuce (one of the lowest GI vegies..you feel full for ages)
1 fruit
Diet coke
1 protein (chicken/steak)
1 vegetable
1 fruit
2 cups lettuce
All dressing should be fat free.
Size of the protein should be the size of the palm of your hand. Snacks in between (you should eat every two hours to increase your metabolism) should be protein - lean ham, low fat cheese, protein bars (I posted my faves in the Protein Bars thread).
Drink lots of water.
Also, get some ketone sticks and pee on them to see if you're in ketosis. If you're in ketosis, you're losing fat. If you're not (and not everyone shows via ketone sticks) and you're thirsty and you're getting lighter/smaller, then it's working.
Have an all protein day once a week. And drink no alcohol. That's the hardest part (your body will always burn this before fat). And take a good multi vitamin and an omega 3 fatty acid supplement.
Good luck!
"Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure."