I bought some more Autechre earlier in the week. I was downtown for an eye exam, had plenty of time to kill, so I decided to go to Virgin. I picked up Draft 7.30, Chiastic Slide, and Peel Session 2. They are drifting farther and farther from reality in Draft 7.30. Blips, pops, and whizbangs are even more prevalent then they were in Confield. Strangely, I enjoy this more than Confield. It just works for me somehow. Chiastic Slide is another "out there" work, but I really enjoy this one as well. It is still calculated noise like the others, but has an eerie ambiance lurking in the background different than the rest. My favorite out of the bunch is Peel Session 2. Although just an EP, it clocks in at longer than some full length albums out today. This feels like a brief jump back into reality and sounds like it could once again be described as "music." It feels like Amber, only slightly evolved. Track 3 "Gaekwad" is my personal favorite. After listening to it for a while longer tonight, I really like the first track too. It feels alive. Like a player piano playing music so someone passing by will play with it.
Well behaved women rarely make history.
Last edited by brandon11983; 06-27-2004 at 12:17 AM..