Living with my family with no locks on the doors, I've been walked in on a couple times while porn surfing. I mastered the art of alt-tab. Of course, even though I was never caught, my mom was always convinced that I was on the computer surfing for porn. I'd be playing diablo, and she'd be like "what's all that porn".
Even more embarrassing was when my dad found a stash of porn on the computer, confronted me about it and realized it was actually his...
I've also walked in on my sister and a guy in my living room multiple times (I don't sit on our couches anymore). I have no clue why she wasn't in her friggin room.
And college is all about walking in on people or getting walked in on. The best was once, I left my room for like 5 minutes, and come back to my roommate and his girlfriend having sex. It got to the point where when I walked in on them, I stopped being embarrased. I would say hi, get a soda from the fridge, check my email and then leave. Of course this happened after like the 10th or 12th time.