Originally posted by GakFace
...... and I still don't like Moore... I've seen a documentary or two of his and I didn't like'em.... I'm amazed at the methods he uses and yet gains publicity doing them. I'm even more amazed he hasn't gotton knocked out many times doing so... (or has he.... who knows)
It's hard to knock someone out who's as much of a fat bastard as he is. (Sorry, didn't mean to insult all the other fat bastards out there
Originally posted by hunnychile
I fear TFP has become waaaay too GOP in representation.
Why? Because about 50% of the people in the thread think Michael Moore is at least ethically in the wrong? Give me a break. If you're assuming no one is aligned with any third parties, that makes it about half and half. Sounds like a fair and reasonable amount to me.
And, regarding the election ad thing, it most certainly is. Michael Moore has made no qualms about the fact that it's his goal to effect the election. Sounds like an election ad to me. Not to mention the ad for the movie itself - without even seeing the movie - clearly attempts to show Bush in an unfavorable light. Again, something that clearly would effect the election and was intentionally made that way to do so, as admitted by Michael Moore.
As a side note, it's not that I love Bush, or hate John Kerry - I can't stand either of them really - it's that I hate angry fat bastards who lie, twist the truth, and ignore the facts to make semi-fictional documentaries, earn TONS of money from it, and have idiots take it as truth. Of course, I suppose he knows that if he ever stopped his whining and instead tried to DO something about it by entering the political arena, since he obviously can do such a better job apparently, he'd be torn apart after contradicting himself so many times and flat out lying others. I love the fact that the 9/11 commission nullified half his movie by the time it came out. Too bad so many people don't realize it.