Well, there is another possibility here, one which you should give a LOT of thought to before desiding to do. Join the military. I myself am in the Navy, and it is not a bad life. Join up for a 4 year tour, and they pay you feed you, and put a roof over your head. If you have family (wife and/or kids) you will get extra money to make sure they are taken care of. All income made while in can be considered "disposible" if you really want, because they provid most things for you. It would help you get out of debt by alowing you to focus just on paying your bills. If you do deside this sounds good, there are a few things to warn you of. Mostly to do with recruiters. DO NOT join with out a getting a school. Recruiters will try to get you to join the navy as what they call a "striker". It means you have no school to teach you a rating in the navy. You work doing whatever they need you to for a while, and then pick a job after seeing the fleet. The down side to this, which they will not tell you, is it could take up to 2 years to find a skill and get the school for it. Now, you can't make NCO without a rating in the Navy, so this slows you down from advancing in rate, and that means less money in the long run. Also, the Navy is the only one that will garentee you a school from the get go, so it is the one I recomend the most. Don't know if you consider this an option or not, but it's worth thinking about. If there is anything else you want to know about it, feel free to PM me.
Bad spellers of the world untie!!!
I am the one you warned me of
I seem to have misplaced the bullet with your name on it, but I have a whole box addressed to occupant.