Pudge is leading the world in hitting! So happy that the Marlins decided to go cheap on him! And Johnson looks like he may be a pitcher, after all! Nice game Friday night!
Going to see Tigers v. Diamondbaacks tonight. Bonderman pitching... hope he brings the good stuff (seems he's either very, very good, or very very hittalble). Sitting in section 140 (lower deck, 3rd base side toward the left field corner). The 1984 heroes will be there, they're giving away an SUV, then fireworks afterward. Going with my older son and my daughter. Weather in the low 70's, dry and clear! Gonna have a great time!
It'll be nice to see Luis Gonzalez play. I liked him when the Tigers had him, but they wouldn't play him regular (management were idiots back then). Nice to see how well he's done for the D'backs. Hope he strikes out tonight, tho!
The '84 Tigers were a bit like the '04 Pistons. A lot of very good players who hadn't gotten recognition yet (Gibson, Parrish, Trammell, Whitaker, Morris). A lot of very good seasons, statistically, but no one among the league leaders. Everybody played hard and contributed (Lemon, Evans, Petry, Wilcox, Herndon, Bergman, Brookens, Castillo, Kuntz). I loved Sparky and "Bless You Boys!" That was the summer my older son turned 5, and it was great to experience the whole thing with him at that age.
"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard