There was an episode on The Outer Limits about this actually. It would essentially clone you on the other side of the "teleporter." But you had to 'balance the equation' which was deleting the original. It was no problem at all because someone always appeared on the other side.. so you weren't really killing anyone. It was always quick as if turning off a computer.
THEN there was a time when they didn't get confirmation of someone on the other side and so they didn't 'balance the equation' The guy then fell in love with the woman and a few months later they found out that she HAD "teleported" to the other side and would be transporting back in a week. The guy needed to balance the equation... but could he? He loved her, but you couldn't have a duplicate running around.. and she DID transport to the other side. When she returned, she wasn't the same person nor did she love the man... as she never really met him. In the end he ended up killing her (even though he didn't want to) for need have having to balance the equation (if he didn't do so, then the human race would lose the technology that another race in space was giving to them.
As for my answer? I Dunno. I assume it would get pretty common by the time they got to a second version, and if it recreated you.. then technically you could perform medical miracles on your trip. Imagine taking a vaction to disneyworld and when you get there you have 20/20 vision again.

As long as i knew they'd balance the equation, then I probably would do it. I just know that two of me in this world wouldn't be a good thing.

Instant transporting, possible medical cures, and it wouldn't be suicide. Why? Sure you'd be fully aware that your body was copied and pasted.... but you'd remember going into thte tranporting vessel and then in the "blink of an eye" you'd step out of one. If you notice no difference.. it shouldn't feel like suicide. But just like any version of transportation there wil be car crashes. The crashes of this variety would be balancing the equation before confirmation of the second half being made... the possible shell shock of seeing yourself...
Here's a question: What if you came back a year later and you were there.. face to face with yourself and your "other" you tries to kill you in order to stay alive as there can be only one.... Could you kill yourself? Further more would this be suicide? Homocide? eh?