Originally posted by nash
Sorry hannukah harry, but I'm going to agree with coash about the upright rows. There are much better alternatives to the upright row that work the same muscle groups. They also have the added benefit of being much less risky in terms of injury (ask an anatomy or physiology professor). There are many shoulder exercises around -- why recommend something that is so dangerous that most sources (including internet sources) warn against it?
actually, i finally did a search two days ago on upright rows, found one site saying they were bad, and not quite for the reason coash listed (although that was a lesser reason mentioned), it was the only site in the top 5 to mention this. as you can see, i'm not the only one who recommended them (just to show that the general common knowledge is that they're okay, most people don't realize otherwise). i wasn't going to bother posting anything about this, i was going to wait and let coash back himself up. my feelings are if you've never posted in here before, we don't know if you anything or not, so if you want to say something that seems to widely differ from the general opinion, show some kind of proof. to say "biomechanically speaking..." like he did doesn't back it up, because he could still have been wrong. i like proof, which he said he would give and didn't, that's all it takes for me to say i'm wrong...