I think this is a part of a larger problem. As a society today we don't want to do any more than neccessary. People get upset when thier views are challenged becuase they don't want to have to think about their position. They know what they think and don't want additional information that may not fit with their views. I think another thing people are afraid of is too much information and they may not be able to form an opinion. I find it interesting that so many people need to be on one side or another at all times, what ever happened to the thirst for more knowledge and the continual testing of our own opinions. Isn't that half the fun, seeing someone else's view point. When I don't understand someone's stance on something I find it a challenge to try and fiquire out WHY that person feels the way they do, heck maybe I don't have all the info.(I hate it when that happens). Often you can discover why they have formed the opinions they have, doesn't mean they are right or wrong but different. We all have different experiences in life and see things in a different way, we are what has happened to us and we all need to realize different experiences in our past and we could have had the same opinions as others we challenge.