Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
After noticing Der Kommisar, I feel compelled to inform you all that a cover of it was recorded by Option 30 (where Reznor was before NIN.) Haven't found it outside of file-sharing networks, but it's worth listening to.
Thanks for the tip. I like that song, After the Fall's version best, but Falco's cool too. checking around for the one you mention.
Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
I actually liked the Macarena.
I thank god that I don't think I've ever heard the Macarena. heard
of...but not aware of hearing it.
Anyways...fun thread
The best one I can think of atm is
Soft Cell - Tainted Love..
but I may think of more.
Some good tracks already mentioned, but are not 'one hit-wonders' to me because I've listened to other stuff by the artists...Gary Numan, for example. ..or are simply things that don't
wow me.

- + - ° GiRLie GeeK ° - + - °
Therell be days/When Ill stray/I may appear to be/Constantly out of reach/I give in to sin/Because I like to practise what I preach