Originally posted by la petite moi
Oh my god. My boyfriend was telling me about the hardcore guys at the place where he works. Some guys were stealing this really aggressive guy's (let's call him Bob) food at work. So, one day Bob got tortillas, brought them into the bathroom, and pooped into them. He brought them to work the next day, all wrapped up and 'ready to eat.' Those co-workers got a huge surprise and NEVER ate his food again.
Also, my boyfriend said his boss writes all over the soda container (like, a 12 pack box): THIS IS MY SODA FUCK OFF GET AWAY THIS IS 'NAME HERE's SODA!!!!!
Anyway, if you're not really the aggresive type like that (which not many people are), just do the insulated lunchbox idea. Keep stuff in your desk and away from the people at work.
damn...thats just....damn. that's hardcore. damn.
Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
I'd take a syringe and inject a few cc's of magnesium sulfate (epsom salt in water) into them. You'd know who took it bacause they'd be running to the bathroom every 5 minutes.
sir, I like the way you think!
I'll try the brown paper bag thing first. Reports on its sucess forthcoming. stay tuned batfans.
And thanks for the tips one and all!!!