The perception of colour is actually very heavily studied.
First, we have (basically) 3 different "pigment" detectors in our eyes. Every persons "pigment" detectors are slightly different. This means we all actually do see different colours when we look at a sample of light.
The colours we see are (mostly) just a linear combination of those pigments. As light shines on our "pigment" detectors, it excites each chemical differently, and the balance of these signals is interprited as colour.
You can play with frequencies of light and people will agree that a continuous change in frequency-mix results in a continuous change in colour.
This means that we basically see 3 colours. Every colour we percieve is just our brain interpriting these 3 colours.
Which means that it is possible that those 3 colours might "move", but the relative mixes of the colours in between should stay somewhat simular.
There are loads of additional effects: our brains do a load of processing on what we see at a sub-conscious and physical level. Optical illusions are a good way to experiment with this. You will not that most people have somewhat simular responses to most optical illusions, another sign that we are having a simular visual experience.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.