That's a good mental exercise to philosophize about the complexities of perception but it does not pan out as valid. Colors are simply the wave length of light that are reflected or absorbed from an object they are always the same. So if we establish that the wave length of light from a particular object is always the same we can then look at the receptor for that light, our retina. Well the retina has things called cones. Each cone has a certain pigment that can detect one of the three base colors (red, green, blue). The pigments allows certain wave lengths of light to be absorbed and therefore seen. So the red pigment absorbs light from a certain wave length x to wave length y, peaking at 100% absorbancy somewhere inbetween x and y. So we all recieve, with variation of course, basically the same light wave lengths into our brain. So in essense, with slight variation again, your red looks like my red, because our physiology works the same. But that line of though does get us thinking about how different our preceptions can be, which is a good way to keep open minded and humble.
Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity.