Herm. I missed my school's junior prom because I was showing my horse out of state. My very non suave best friend decided he needed a date to his senior prom that year and asked me by saying, "You're the only girl that I know who cleans up well, go to prom with me." Mind you it was a week before his prom. Nice. Wasn't an overly fun expirence - spent all night in lines for pictures, and reminding him that yes, he was sleeping at my house but to stop insenuating to people that he was sleeping IN my bed.
Went to my own senior prom, with another close guy friend. It was fun except for the fact that he didn't have a car. So I got to drive myself to the prom. :P Also ran right SMACK into my ex-best friend who was pregnant with a 22 year old's baby. (Said 22 year old wanted to date me for my brains and her for... well sex. )
Horses come and go, but some leave permanent hoof prints on your life.