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Old 06-24-2004, 05:33 PM   #8 (permalink)
Sauce Puppet
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jam, I had a net admin job out of high school. Thought it was great, there was room for growth, and greater pay, and I could've cared less about school. Then, recession hit, and I realized I was simply a commodity of corporate america that no one wanted anymore. I started going back to school, initially for a Computer Science/Business/IT degree, cause that's what I know.

Then, I realized. I fucking hate computers! Yeah, they're great devices, and I love using them, but I hate spending all my time repairing them, or maintaining or setting them up. This might float other people's boats, and yeah, I know how to do it, and how to do it well, but I don't find joy in it.

Now, I had a film production class in high school. Was mainly just a dick-off course, but I enjoyed it, I was happy spending hours on end editing video, or coming up with ideas to intrique the whole student body, and what's funny is I picked up a school paper four years after having graduated, and my little production operation I had going is #3 on the things those students would like to see (I always find that funny, cause I always felt like an outcast at that school).

Well, My parents want me to finish school at my current college, and pursue my film production/3d animation career after I have some sort of bachelor's degree to fall back onto. Well, I was seriously thinking of doing this, but I don't like coming to work, and while I enjoy school, it's not the direction I want to be heading, my parents haven't supported me since I was 15, so not like there's any monetary reason for me to continue the way I'm going.

So, I did my homework, I'm flying to various film schools in august to check them out, and I'm going to apply at the ones I like the most and go. I don't have money, or any sort of savings, or really any plan aside from knowing that I want to go to the best film school I can go to. They're EXPENSIVE!! But, I don't care. I'll enjoy it, I don't aspire to be some magnificent director, that'd be fun, but I'd be happy just creating 3d models, or chopping up film and getting into the whole process. I just want to have a smile on my face when I go into work, and still have that smile, if not a bigger smile when I leave. I'm tired of going into a job with a smile, and leaving wishing I had called in sick EVERY day. Sure, I might get a decent pay, but I'm definitely not satisfied.

Now, it took me three years to make these decisions on what I really wanted to do with my life. Seriously, take a pause, and think about what will make you happy. Not what will make your parents happy, or your friends, or SO, but yourself happy.
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