Originally posted by brianna
assilem: of course i could, and i am registered, that's not really my point. i'm unstaisfied with the majority of my options and constantly feel like i'm voting for the lesser evil and i suspect a lot of other people feel similarly.
Oh, a very large majority feels similarly, which is why you need to stop, choose the "third party" you agree with, or find a candidate you would like to see in office and vote for him or her.
If everyone did that, well, most Democrats and Republicans would be out of office pretty damn fast.
If you don't believe me, look at Minnesota and Jesse Ventura. He became Governer because so many just became so frustrated with both parties and the smear campaigning left they felt neither candidate was deserving. Then you have this other guy, out of no where doing no smear campaigning, and going up and down the state in an RV getting in contact with the people.
Vote for someone you want to see in office, not against someone you'd rather not.
Originally posted by docbungle
I would much rather be able to select from a wide variety, and wouldn't mind spending a little time to find just the right one.
Except in the end, when it comes to the end, it's going to be about the same, except it will be a few people you might feel somewhat happy for voting for.
Of course, that will never happen. Democrats and Republicans would finally cross the aisle, work together, and stop the movement ASAP.