Originally posted by pan6467
OneTime, I love ya man, but the economy is still bad, (which yeah when the government adds in fast food to manufacturing jobs there will seem to be an increase. Plus, when we are losing $40,000 jobs and getting $20,000 jobs back, the jobs are out there but the people needing them are taking serious paycuts, people worked at Hoover for 20 years made a decent living and now they are working at Speedways and jobs that pay $7 maybe. AND that icludes white collar mid-management (we won't get into what TimKen and Rubbermaid are going to add to the economy once they close down as they reported they are going to.
As for corruption, we see more and more nasty stuff on Bush everyday. The papers FROM the WH itself talking about how far they can go and whether war crimes would be considered. If they were legit, they would never even have war crimes questions, and that's just one thing.
No, they need Limbaugh and Fox News and as much right winged leverage as they can get, because the media is not that liberal, it is far less liberal than say in the 80's. If anything they are centrists at best. Granted they don't spin like Limbaugh, Beck or Dredge (and I didn't spell his name wrong) who are so far right the media can't be compared to them.
By buying up all the theatres and trying that little hostile takeover at Disney, and fining Viacom out of business they see they will be able to control the media and Limbaugh will appear to be center. When that happens this country is sadly doomed.
Please feel free to start a thread on the economy. It's been a while since I debunked what passes for economic research these days.
As far as the right wing conpiracy theories around taking over the media, I'll just pass on the whole conversation and reiterate my suggestion that it is more at place in tilted paranoia.